Jeremy Flohr (Utrecht, 1984) is filmmaker and visual storyteller. His work is at the intersection of colonial history, personal stories and social themes. 

''Dutch coloniality has been deeply rooted in both of my parents’ family histories. The impact of colonialism for me, is that in my upbringing, language has never been part of transferring indigenous cultural norms and values. Which resulted in displacement when it comes to expressing emotions in words. As a creative, I’m very close to my feelings. So to express feelings and emotions, I’m using film instead of words as a language to tell stories.''

Intrigued by inspiring people and their personal stories of historically marginalized groups; with his sensitive feel for storytelling and unique eye as a filmmaker, Jeremy keeps uncovering stories the world needs to know, needs to hear, or better yet, needs to see. 

In 2021, Jeremy has been awarded for the best Poetryfilm at the Dutch Poetryfilm Festival. And in 2022 he won an award for the best Poetryfilm at the International Poetryfilm Festival Weimar. Jeremy has frequently been asked for workshops at universities like ArtEZ (University of the Arts). For the Dutch Poetryfilm Festival 2023, Jeremy is one of the Jury members.

Under the flag of SELECT STORY MODE, Jeremy will launch in 2024 the coming documentary Rumah Kita and the poetry film Manual for the Displaced


Jeremy Flohr is part of  the Beyond Walls collective based in Amsterdam. And Co-Founder of the Beyond Walls Foundation.

''As a collective of creative minds, Beyond Walls uses the power of art, research and storytelling to amplify diaspora and community voices. In our work we center the impact of Dutch/European colonialism, as well as questions on political and institutional responsibility and accountability on this matter''


2024 Rumah Kita 

2022 Antara Dua Bulan (with BEYOND WALLS) 

2021 Gentrified Stories (with Read My World & BEYOND WALLS) 

2020 Diaspora (with BEYOND WALLS) 


2023-Heden (December - heden) Vaste tentoonstelling (filmportretten), Volksbuurt museum, Utrecht

2022-2023 (June - January) Amsterdam Ancestors, City Archive, Amsterdam 

2022 (February - June)  Revolusi!, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (with BEYOND WALLS) 

2020-2021 (October - February) Waterlooplein. De buurt binnenstebuiten. Jewish historical museum, Amsterdam (with Riboet)


2022 Winner best poetryfilm, Jangan Lupa, International Poetryfilm Festival Weimar (poetry by Robin Block)

2021 Winner best poetryfilm, Jangan Lupa, Dutch Poetryfilm Festival (poetry by Robin block)


Through my work, I aim to evoke empathy and inspire a transformation in the viewer. My goal is to shift them from mere observers to active participants, encouraging them to reflect on their own actions and choices.

With layers of symbolism, sensual colors and playful in closeness and distance, I’m gently weaving my storytelling to an insistently and intimate form. With sound and music breaking through the cinematic imagery. 

Serving the need to untangle the colonial history that runs like a thread through my family histories,  my artistic aspirations are to expose and resist global issues such as colonization & colonial erasure and uprooting & displacement. 

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