Heritage in motion (2020)

Type: Documentary

Synopsis: What does colonial heritage mean to a younger generation with roots in Indonesia (former colony the Dutch East Indies) living in the Netherlands? How do they relate to (historical) objects connected to the Dutch colonial era?

Info: This documentary has been added to library of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 

Duration: 42:31 min

Directed & Produced by: Suzanne Rastovac (Beyond Walls)

Filmed by: Jeremy Flohr, Lexy Rambadeta, Armando Ello & Elinde Kersbergen
Director of Photography: Armando Ello
Edited by: Jeremy Flohr
Production Assistent: Glenda Beilohy
Location in Indonesia: Museum Nasional  
Locations In The Netherlands: Tropenmuseum, Nationaal Archief, Scheepvaartsmuseum

This production was made possible by the 4th and 5th of May Committee Amsterdam Southeast with support by Amsterdam City Council. 

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